April 28, 2011

April 12, 2011

Giovani, Monumenti e Forze Idrauliche, Firenze

Hi bloggers,

here is an Italian initiative happening in Florence next monady (April 18th – 9.30pm to 13.30 pm at the Auditorium al Duomo in Via de’ Cerretani 54r) , in order to celebrate  the World Heritage Day – which is yearly promoted by UNESCO and ICOMOS on April 18th: this year’s topic is the Heritage of  Water, and ICOMOS Italia has promoted other two celebrations to be held in Venice and Assisi.
Click here for more information in English or write the Italian text below.


In occasione della Giornata Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti celebrata il 18 aprile dall’UNESCO e dall’ICOMOS, la Sezione Giovani di ICOMOS Italia con l’Ufficio Centro Storico del Comune di Firenze e con il sostegno della Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism®, organizza un evento dedicato al tema del “patrimonio culturale dell’acqua”, tema unificante della giornata per l’anno 2011. L’iniziativa si svolge sotto l’egida del Consiglio Italiano per i Monumenti e Siti (ICOMOS) e con il patrocinio dell’ICCROM e del Centro UNESCO di Firenze.

Il programma dell’evento, aperto al pubblico, comprende – oltre agli interventi istituzionali e ai contributi di esperti fra i quali il TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage), il Centro UNESCO Firenze, il CICOP (Centro Internazionale per la Conservazione del Patrimonio Architettonico) e il Portale No-Profit Life Beyond Tourism® – la presentazione del film documentario “Per Firenze” del Maestro Franco Zeffirelli sull’alluvione di Firenze del 1966

La Giornata si terrà a Firenze presso il Life Beyond Tourism® Auditorium al Duomo in Via De’ Cerretani 54r, il 18 aprile dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 13:30, ed è inserita nel programma di eventi promosso da ICOMOS Italia, che comprende un incontro a Venezia (‘Reti culturali territoriali per il patrimonio delle acque’) e ad Assisi (‘I Siti Italiani del Patrimonio Mondiale’).

Per maggiori informazioni:
Segreteria Sezione Giovani ICOMOS Italia
Via del Giglio 10 – 50123, Firenze
(+39) 055 216066,

L’evento è anche su Facebook: a questo link.

April 5, 2011

Festival del Viaggio – Travel Festival

Dal 27 al 30 aprile 2011 si svolge a Firenze  il workshop del “Festival del Viaggio” dedicato a scrittura e fotografia e che vedrà la presenza di scrittori, studiosi e viaggiatori.

Le iscrizioni sono aperte dal 9 marzo al 15 aprile 2011 sul sito, dove si possono trovare tutte le informazioni e la modulistica per la partecipazione. Il corso è a numero chiuso e le domande dovranno pervenire all’indirizzo Saranno valutate motivazioni e curricula degli aspiranti partecipanti.

From April 27th to April 30th, 2011 the workshop of the ‘Festival del Viaggio‘ will be held in Florence. The workshop will be dedicated to the arts of writing and of photography, and will count on the participation of professional writers, scholars, and travellers.

Admissions and selections are open from March 9th to April 15th 2011 at the website, where you can find all relevant information and forms to participate. Admission is limited so that both personal intents and curriculum – to be send to – will be evaluated.

March 22, 2011

La Corea in Mostra al Florence Korea Film Fest

Hi bloggers,

If you like cinema, if you like discovering a new culture, if you like  Corean culture in particular, and  if you are around Florence…
don’t miss the Florence Korea Film Fest and its related events from March 25th to April 2nd 2011!
Read more here in our news!


November 24, 2010

Live again Kratky’s photo-exhibition in Florence!

During the week of November 15, 2010 until November 21, 2010, we had the pleasure of attending a photo exhibition by a Czech photographer, Frantisek Kratky. The exhibition was held at the Auditorium al Duomo, right  in  the centre of Florence, and is another part of our expanding Life Beyond Tourism project.

The exhibition formally opened on the evening of November 15, where guests that included students, professors, and people from around the world, could stop in to enjoy this nostalgic exhibition.

The exhibition showed Italy during the late nineteenth century and is titled: Italy 1897 Stereotypical Views of the Bohemian Photographer Frantisek Kratky. This exhibition was in collaboration with the Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic of Tuscany, led by Giovanna Dani Del Bianco.

Many students and professors from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and several other countries, attended the event to support this beautiful cultural encounter. Although this exhibition reveals breathtaking photos of Italy’s major cities such as Rome, Florence, and Venice during the nineteenth century, there is more to their histories than just the interesting pictures. This event represents one of the primary aspects and goals of Life Beyond Tourism. It demonstrates the establishment of a cultural link between Italy and the Czech Republic and reveals how a man such as Kratky is extremely interested in discovering a culture other than his own. The manifestation conveyed more than just the major tourist attractions of Italy at the time, such as Brunelleschi’s Dome and Saint Peter’s Square. It instead revealed beyond the gorgeous architecture and into the deeper culture of Italy such as its people on the streets, the animals in the countryside, and the way the two interacted during the time period. It is here that one’s life beyond tourism actually begins. It is only when one starts to interact directly with the culture and environment in which they are surrounded, that they can create an intercultural dialogue that establishes a powerful link between two cultures.

Article by Lauren Di Bartolomeo, United States – Life Beyond Tourism University Delegate 2010

November 15, 2010

‘La Città degli Uffizi’ continua … a Castelfiorentino!


Il Comune di Castelfiorentino, l’Assessorato alla Cultura e il BE–GO Museo Benozzo Gozzoli stanno organizzando una nuova mostra nell’ambito del progetto “La Città degli Uffizi” – ideato dal Direttore della Galleria degli Uffizi Antonio Natali al fine di promuovere  le realtà museali ‘minori’ attraverso il prestito di opere d’arte normalmente conservate nei depositi della Galleria.

La mostra, la prima in Valdelsa di questa tipologia,  è intitolata La Città degli Uffizi – Benozzo Gozzoli e Cosimo Rosselli nelle terre di Castelfiorentino. Pittura devozionale in Valdelsa e si terrà  a  Castelfiorentino, presso il BE – GO Museo Benozzo Gozzoli nel periodo dal 30 Aprile – 31 luglio 2011.

L’intento è quello di creare le condizioni affinché il Museo Benozzo Gozzoli  possa da un lato giungere all’attenzione di un vasto pubblico, a livello nazionale e internazionale; dall’altro,  contribuire alla valorizzazione e conoscenza del patrimonio artistico, architettonico e naturale del territorio circostante.

Il territorio, con i suoi connotati storico-artistici,  diventa così protagonista e si prepara ad accogliere importanti opere d’arte collegate storicamente e artisticamente ai maestosi tabernacoli affrescati da Benozzo Gozzoli. Oltre che dalla  Galleria degli  Uffizi,  si prevedono capolavori provenienti dai Musei Vaticani, dal Museo di San Marco a Firenze.

per maggiori informazioni potete contattare BE–GO Museo Benozzo Gozzoli a questo indirizzo web.

September 13, 2010

Open-air painting with water colour technologies!

Hi bloggers,

While the Romualdo Del Bianco Fondation with Life Beyond Tourism is welcoming in Florence, Italy, the workshop Open air on the estates Medici in the environments of Florence and Lastra Signa, we decided to  give you some information about open-air painting! How?? By  a little watercolour lesson by Professor Yuri Kolomiets from Kiev National University of Building and Construction, Kyiv – Ukraine. Below we report Professor Kolomiets’ paintings and text:

“My name is  Yuri Kolomiets. I have been  practicing in water-colour technology for more than 20 years. As an artist I always felt drawn to simple landscape peasant theme. Small corner of village backyards.

Village Church of St.Paraskeva, watercolour, 23x28cm

Worm white  shades of  cottage walls, violet shadows with numerous picturesque reflections, colour from yellow to soft green. Coloured too small gardens crossing by horizontal pattern of shadows. Colours is melting into each others, rhytmes is transforming from smallest patches in larger. All of that creates charming images that  always are in harmony with human being sand the surrounding environements.

Sometimes I mainly prefer to work  in  Kiev’s open-air spaces, such as the Museum of Folk Architecture and domestic life of Ukrainians. Its name is Pirogovo Village. Museum is situated nearby Kiev city, and featuring some of the 300 representative examples of vernacular buildings from all over Ukraine. Its exposition was set up according to historic and ethnographic regions of Ukraine. Numerous houses, churches, windmills and household buildings are restored, renovated, and well located in surrounding nature. I quite often prefer to paint and draw there, because it is in tune with  my artistic objectives. By painting a new subject I’m striving not only to receive plesure from contemplation, but attracting spectators to admire beauties of nature.

Shinok, watercolour - 17x28cm

What would I say about create my images, shown in a water colour  picture named “Shinok”. (It was a  kind of  historical and domestic village -space, such as a tavern  or a trattoria). I depicted a scene typical and usual, but tried to pay attention to the nature condition, and the structure of the composition . Autumn  landscape with skillfully applied colored tones, contrasting with each other on the foreground but becaming opaque  when striving into depth.
In the centre of  the picture I used a composition device, that produces an effect of perspective:  a piramidal structure incorporates lineas with regard for the laws of linear perspective. Lines of thatched cottage roof  pointing on it, I think. These virtual lines can be extended more, through the cherry  trees on the left side, then toward two men (ukrainian kozaks), and with their shadows. From the right side of the roof, you can watch the same line going downward and lock the triangular main group. While the foreground appears to be in contrast short earthy brushstrokes in the grass, crossing by  longe shadows from sunset, background seems plunged in darkness of the right side. A dramatic condition of fall soft and mild evening, I tried to portray by particularly contrasting dark and light tones. The picture is reflecting, that real automne become not yet. Contrasts and , soft tones create a good mood,
filled with worm and transparent sunset light. Bushes with red and yellow flowers of middleground and in the centre, supplement and adorn the whole composition. All of that gives to image freshness and completness.

Church of All Saints, watercolour, 23x28

I prefer  avoiding strong sunlight while painting, go out to paint in the afternoon, even close to evening, when the lights go fade, become more diffused, and the sun no longer cast deep shadows. Seems, I painted there in earthy colours with ochre, red, sombre blue, and brown. But if you learn it more attentively, you can see transparence shades with mixtures of green, red, violet, yellow, and blue spectrum colours. Finally I can say, in studying of my paintings scenes, I try to capture light and weather conditions, show to spectators images filled with peacefool and harmony between human being and nature life, a long time ago, where the time had passed slow, and thoroughly.”

Yuris Kolomiets

Violet Cyclamens, watercolour, 23x28

August 27, 2010

Dedicated to all costume lovers, costume historians, dancers, etc … Costume Colloquium II Dress for Dance

Following the great success in 2008, the 2010 Edition of  Costume Colloquium is coming soon in Florence, Italy from the 4th to the 7th of November 2010! Promoted by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation in the context of Life Beyond Tourism, this year the topic Dress for Dance will be exploring interdisciplinary and cultural aspects of historic, popular, and contemporary  dance costumes, and dresses.

Eight sessions will be exploring historic, conservative, creative, and technical aspects: view all the sessions and the conference’s parallel events at this link.

What: Costume Colloqium II: Dress for Dance
Where: Florence, Italy
When: November 4-7 2010

Fore more information:
the group on facebook here
write to
call 0039.055.285588

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